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Raissa de Haas

Raissa De Haas & Jayce De Haas: Redefining Mixers for a Premium Drinking Experience

How Double Dutch Drinks Revolutionized the Mixer Market with their Passion for Premium Spirits and Innovation!

As humans, we have always had a fascination with taste. It’s an experience that can transport us to another time and place, awaken our senses, and bring us joy. From the foods we eat to the drinks we savor, taste has become an art form in its own right. In today’s world, taste has taken on even the greatest importance as we seek out new and exciting flavors to satisfy our cravings.

In a world where taste reigns supreme, two entrepreneurial sisters from the Netherlands, Raissa de Haas, and Joyce de Haas, embarked on a remarkable journey fueled by a belief that drinking could be taken to new heights to enhance the drinking experience with more flavorful options and to provide premium spirits with the mixers they truly deserve.

Their odyssey to revolutionize the mixer terrain commenced during their academic years when they resolved to take control of the situation. Equipped with an unwavering resolve to explore uncharted territories, they both began dabbling in crafting their own carbonated beverages. This imaginative quest ignited a flame in their souls, and they apprehended that they had chanced upon something authentically remarkable.

With an insatiable appetite for success, they devoted their ultimate academic year to meticulously exploring the realm of the mixer market. Diligently scrutinizing the nuances of the industry, they conducted an in-depth analysis of the emerging trends and scrutinized the preferences of consumers.

Their steadfast dedication bore fruit when they emerged victorious and were crowned the most promising startup by UCL during their convocation ceremony. This accolade not only vindicated their tireless endeavors but also afforded them the seed capital to actualize their aspirations.

With a clear vision in mind, Raissa de Haas and Joyce de Haas founded their company, creating a brand that would forever change the way we think about mixers. Thus, Double Dutch Drinks was born.

Join us as we dive into the inspiring story of these visionary founders and their company’s rise to success!

Brief our audience about your journey as the founders of Double Dutch Drinks.

Our journey began with the belief that drinking could be enhanced with more flavorful options and that premium spirits deserved better mixers to elevate every drink. As natives of the Netherlands, the birthplace of Gin, my sister and I have always shared a natural affinity for premium drinks. However, we were disheartened by the limited selection of high-end mixers available to accompany the wide array of premium spirits. To address this issue, we started experimenting with making our sodas during our university years and dedicated our final master’s year to researching the mixer market. Our efforts were rewarded when we were awarded the prize for the most promising startup from UCL at graduation, along with our initial investment.

Double Dutch is not only focused on creating flavorful drinking experiences but also on conducting business in an ethical and responsible manner. We have implemented a clear policy to support diversity and are continuously seeking new ways to promote sustainability throughout our supply chain.

Brief us about the product range that has helped you ascertain your brand’s value.

The flavors of Double Dutch are a result of applying molecular gastronomy and flavor pairing techniques to create unique and harmonious flavor combinations that enhance the spirits they are mixed with. Our mixers are an ideal match for Gin, but they are also versatile, blending impeccably with Rum, Tequila, Vodka, Whiskey, and most other spirits. Moreover, they can be savored as a refreshing standalone soft drink.

Double Dutch pioneered the creation of mixers without quinine and placed great emphasis on combining complementary flavors for their mixers. Their recipe development process utilizes molecular gastronomy, resulting in drinks made with all-natural flavors that are delectable when consumed alone or paired with high-end spirits.

Taking into consideration the current pandemic and its impact on global economies, how are you driving your company to sustain operations and ensure the safety of your employees at the same time?

We launched our webshop during the pandemic to connect directly with our consumers. As well as we focus our resources and time on retailing nationally and internally and growing our e-commerce platforms.

Safety for employees: we have been working from home for more than a year now and are slowly coming back to the office one day a week, and will slowly build to three days a week, if the team feels safe, of course.

Enlighten us on how you have made an impact on the community through your entrepreneurial journey.

A scholarship and mentoring initiative has been introduced to aid female bartenders in their pursuit of a career in the industry. Unfortunately, the launch was delayed by a year due to the pandemic, despite being planned for May. The program will include one-on-one sessions and financial support, as well as events that are open to the public. It will partner with multiple bartenders to provide practical training and share industry insights with successful female applicants.

What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into the niche beverage market?

As you begin your company or introduce a new product, it’s vital to swiftly enter the market and obtain real market validation. Don’t get caught up in striving for perfection and delay launching. Remember, the customer is always correct, so gathering direct feedback from them will be more advantageous. Based on this genuine market feedback, you can potentially make adjustments and tweaks to enhance your product’s success.

Where do you envision yourselves and your company being in the long run?

Becoming a household name known for flavor innovation in the mixer category.

What are your views on the impact that will be made when more entrepreneurial opportunities are created for women?

Especially with the current crisis, increasing gender equality will contribute to the global economy and economic growth, resulting in a faster recovery.

Women have different skills than men. (more problem-solving-driven and better at teamwork, I think) Increase innovation.