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Mohammed Salloum: Transforming Construction Through Community Commitment

Building Dreams through Visionary Leadership!

Imagine a busy building site, filled with the sounds of machinery and the energy of workers, symbolizing not only a construction site but also a community’s goals and aspirations. Each beam and brick laid marks a step forward, influencing the future. In this versatile climate, one leader stands out for his perseverance in making ideals a reality.

Mohammed Salloum, a Civil Engineer with over 20 years of experience, has committed his career to the construction sector.  As CEO of MAS Engineering & Construction Company Ltd., he is dedicated to building sustainable infrastructure that benefits modern society.

Under his guidance, the company has grown into a renowned leader in the construction industry, continuously delivering excellence on complicated projects and humanizing a great company culture. His path exemplifies his persistent pledge to develop not only facilities but also trust and tenacity among his team members and the communities they serve.

Below are the interview highlights:

Can you please introduce yourself and your motivation to embark on this sector?

My name is Mohammed Salloum, a civil engineer with over 20 years of experience in construction management. I have always been attracted to this industry for its dynamic nature and the significant impact it has on community development and infrastructure. My motivation lies in transforming concepts into functional structures that benefit society every day.

I am passionate about innovation, quality, and efficiency, which drives my commitment to creating sustainable and resilient infrastructure. As the leader of MAS Engineering & Construction Company Ltd., I strive to ensure excellence in every project, contributing to the advancement of modern society’s needs.

Could you please briefly introduce your company and its inception story?

MAS Engineering and Construction Company Ltd. was established in 2018, evolving from AZAL, a joint venture between Al Sahel and Azmeel Contracting Companies founded in 2013. AZAL quickly gained recognition for its ability to deliver complex projects on tight schedules, highlighted by the successful refurbishment of the Conference Palace in Riyadh before President Trump’s 2016 visit.

This achievement bolstered our reputation and growth. Rebranding as MAS Engineering in 2018, we have since become a leader in construction, committed to quality and innovation, working with esteemed clients like Saudi Aramco and Red Sea Global, and consistently delivering excellence in our projects.

What do you consider the most critical skills for a COO, and how have you developed these skills throughout your career?

The most critical skills for a Chief Operating Officer (COO) include Strategic Thinking, Financial Acumen, Problem Solving, Leadership, and Effective Communication, all enhanced by strong team-building abilities. Strategic thinking helps align operations with long-term goals, while Financial Acumen ensures informed decisions for profitability.

Problem solving is vital for addressing challenges in the construction industry. Leadership and effective communication inspire and unify the team toward shared objectives. Throughout my career, I’ve honed these skills through hands-on experience, continuous learning, and leading diverse teams on complex projects, demonstrating that a cohesive team, supported by these skills, can achieve outstanding results.

How do you prioritize and balance the various responsibilities that come with the COO position?

As COO, I prioritize maintaining a long-term perspective rather than getting caught up in daily operations. Effective delegation is crucial; I assign tasks based on team members’ strengths, empowering them to take ownership.

Timely communication keeps everyone informed and aligned, facilitating informed decision-making. I also prioritize flexibility, ready to adjust plans as new challenges or opportunities arise, ensuring we remain responsive while progressing toward our strategic goals.

Can you share an example of a significant challenge you faced as a COO and how you overcame it?

A major challenge I encountered as COO was during MAS Engineering & Construction’s inception, when our team faced a severe financial crisis, resulting in unpaid salaries for over six months and protests from sister company workers.

I prioritized rebuilding trust and stabilizing the company. With Allah’s grace, we secured projects directly from ARAMCO, enabling us to pay all outstanding salaries and restore stability, ultimately strengthening our team’s resilience and leadership skills.

How do you approach team building and fostering a positive company culture within your organization?

I approach team building by developing effective leaders who align with our company’s vision, as they are vital for fostering a positive culture. Open communication is essential; I make myself accessible to all team members for discussing concerns or ideas, which helps resolve conflicts swiftly and promotes collaboration.

I also reflect daily on high-level decisions to ensure they align with our values, fostering transparency, trust, and a culture of continuous improvement where everyone feels valued and motivated to contribute to the company’s success.

How do you measure success, and ensure communication between different departments, and what key performance indicators do you focus on?

To ensure effective communication between departments, I hold regular coordination meetings and utilize modern technology, such as WhatsApp groups for projects, departments, and leadership. This approach facilitates efficient communication and allows for real-time updates and quick decision-making.

To measure success in my role, I implement a robust reporting system to analyze data organization-wide. My key performance indicators focus on timely, cost-effective project delivery, client satisfaction, and productivity assessments for both workers and departments, ensuring continuous performance measurement.

How do you stay informed about industry trends and changes that may affect your organization?

In this modern technological era, I find it easier to quickly research industry trends by staying active on several technological platforms where industry- and government-related information is regularly updated. This habit keeps me well informed and allows me to stay ahead of changes that may affect our organization.

What role does innovation play in your strategy as a COO, and how do you encourage it within your team?

Innovation has been integral to our strategy, and I’m always open to new ideas from my team. Recently, we transitioned our day-to-day operations to a reliable ERP system, giving me instant access to a dashboard that provides a real-time overview of the company’s financial and organizational status. This shift has greatly enhanced my ability to make quick and accurate decisions.

How do you handle conflicts or disagreements among executive team members?

I view conflicts and disagreements as opportunities for growth. However, it’s crucial to handle them productively to prevent any disruption to the company’s progress.

Open communication and active listening are key to resolving conflicts, and I always consider the bigger picture and maintain an objective perspective throughout the process.

What advice would you give to someone aspiring to become a COO in the future?

To become a successful COO, it’s crucial to develop a strategic mindset, stay adaptable, and focus on continuous learning. Resilience and strong leadership skills are also essential. Additionally, adopting a proactive approach is extremely important for anticipating challenges and driving the organization forward.