Ramokone Madiba, also known as Busta Gushima, CEO of Perere By Gushima, will celebrate 10 years at Hollywoodbets Durban in July. Madiba recently told Sunday World that this year has been memorable. It will be a celebration of all the modest steps that have led to this point.
“It will be a celebration of every hand that was involved over the last decade. A celebration for our friends who are no longer with us and who helped us carry our brand. “This year is a Thanksgiving celebration,” Madiba explained. Madiba expressed gratitude for this milestone, noting that he is not the only person with a similar tale. However, he was granted enough grace to observe this milestone.
It is hard to appreciate this moment without first reflecting on the challenges of the previous decade. There were losses and sacrifices that impacted others around me. It brings me great joy to know that nothing was in vain.
“I approach this place in the same way I approach everything else I do, with a focus on our clients’ experiences. They come first; this milestone belongs to each and every one of them. He chose to work in the events and nightlife market because he enjoyed having fun. “He identified a market gap.”The business began as impromptu themed events in several locations.
The theme and setting were always carefully designed to provide guests with an experience. Now we attempt to provide that similar experience in our own establishments.” The business has grown from a single idea to a three-tiered entertainment enterprise. Gushima is the umbrella brand under which they host their events. However, it also houses their restaurant chain Perere and their in-house beverage, Dess.
He says he makes an effort to tailor experiences for those who share his background and want to be in a happy environment.
“I’ve discovered that sticking to our authenticity helps us stand out and even attract those we hadn’t considered. So, while we have a notion of who might walk in, we are often pleasantly surprised by a market we had not considered. Our target audience now includes a diverse range of demographics.While the marquee is only held once a year, it is nevertheless an integral aspect of the overall event. “We will serve food that our customers enjoy at our restaurants.”We serve a wide variety of foods, including the best of local South African cuisine. While our chefs have license to create, they always land within these parameters.”