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Ahmed Ehab

Ahmed Ehab: Enhancing the Accessibility of Luxury Living

The world is experiencing unprecedented urbanization, with more people moving to cities than ever before. With higher urbanization, there’s a greater demand for infrastructure development, including transportation networks, utilities, housing, and public amenities. Thus, transformative spaces are needed to accommodate this influx of population while ensuring livability, sustainability, and efficiency in urban environments.

To match these demands, Ahmed Ehab, the CEO of MADAAR has been striving to bring meaningful changes with his forward-thinking strategic planning. Under his leadership, the company takes pride in tailoring luxury living to the nature of every project. MADAAR takes the time to research the region, account for its climate and natural features, and then build with its inhabitants in mind.

During his discussion with him, Ahmed highlighted how the company envisions providing boundless options for luxury living to its customers as it aims to expand further under his leadership.

Below are the highlights from the interview!

Could you please tell me about yourself and what motivated you to embark on this sector?

Ahmed Ehab, CEO of MADAAR, took on this pivotal role in October of 2022 with an illustrious career spanning 17 years, a bachelor’s in civil engineering, and an MBA. Motivated by a passion for creating transformative spaces, I embarked on this sector, driven by a commitment to introduce a new perspective of leading a real estate development company by focusing on training and developing personnel on meticulous performance and great attention to detail that contributes to the bigger picture of the organization.

Can you please brief us about your company and its inception story?

In 2015 Madaar was established with the flagship project Azha Ain Sokhna, an unmatched success story that combines resort living and hospitality in the comfort of one’s own home. After the success of Sokhna, Azha North Coast was launched with great success due to the track record of the company.  With the support of its sister company, one of Egypt’s top hospitality companies, Sunrise Resorts & Cruises, Madaar can provide a fully facilitated hospitality service that differentiates it from most real estate developers. The core belief of the company is offering consumer-centric destinations that revolve around the client’s comfort and foster connections and communities.

What inspired you to pursue a leadership role in real estate, and how do you envision the industry evolving in the coming years?

My leadership role stems from a desire to shape the industry positively. I foresee real estate evolving with sustainability, technology integration, and community-centric development, ensuring lasting impact.

As a leader, how do you foster a collaborative and innovative culture within your real estate team or organization?

A collaborative and innovative culture is nurtured through open communication, cross-functional collaboration, and a commitment to embracing new ideas. Regular team-building activities and a focus on professional development contribute to our dynamic work environment.

Can you describe a challenging situation you encountered in your real estate career and how you navigated it successfully as a leader?

As Madaar embarked on its first coastal project: Azha Ain Sokhna in 2015, marking its inaugural venture, challenges arose in 2016 due to currency devaluation and escalating construction material costs and despite robust initial sales, the company confronted difficulties meeting delivery deadlines amidst economic shifts. The devaluation impacted costs, while material price hikes posed hardships. These challenges demanded innovative solutions to adhere to promised timelines, yet, leveraging economy of scale and strategic approaches, we overcame obstacles and committed to the project’s success ensuring delivery as promised despite external economic pressures.

What values or principles guide your decision-making process when it comes to real estate investments or project developments?

Our decisions are guided by values of sustainability, community impact, and financial viability. Striking a balance ensures projects align with our commitment to responsible development.

In your opinion, what are the most critical skills and qualities that a successful leader in the real estate industry should possess?

Effective leadership in real estate demands vision, adaptability, strategic thinking, and strong communication. Building and leading high-performing teams is crucial for success in this dynamic industry.

How do you stay informed about the latest trends and developments in the real estate market, and how does this knowledge influence your strategic decisions?

Continuous learning and staying updated on market trends and economic changes are achieved through industry publications, networking, participation in conferences, and expansion of personal knowledge and skills. This knowledge informs our strategic decisions and allows us to become differentiated within the market clutter in addition to overcoming economic challenges.

What strategies do you employ to build and maintain strong relationships with clients, stakeholders, and industry partners in the real estate sector?

Strong relationships are built on transparency, integrity, and delivering on commitments with a high standard of quality and service. Regular communication with clients, stakeholders, and partners fosters trust and long-term collaborations.

Can you share an example of a project or initiative you’re particularly proud of and the impact it had on your team or the community?

I take pride in Azha North’s successful launch, showcasing our commitment to quality and innovation and our keenness to sustain the quality of offerings we provided in our previous project: Azha Ain Sokhna, and implement sustainability methods and renewable energy practices, to give back to our community and environment. The project not only elevated our team’s morale but also positively impacted the local community.

As a leader in real estate, how do you balance the pursuit of profitability with a commitment to sustainability and community development in your projects?

We strike a balance by integrating sustainable practices into our projects, ensuring profitability without compromising environmental and community well-being. This approach aligns with our commitment to responsible development.

Could you please let us know about any honors or awards you have received thus far in your professional career?

  • Luxury Living REI CEO of the Year 2023 from MEA Markets.
  • Participation as a speaker at the Decision Makers conference – Real Estate Edition 2023.
  • Acknowledged as the CEO of one of the top real estate developers from Al Ahram Real Estate Exhibition.
  • The Big 5 Egypt Impact Awards 2022: shortlisted for Developer of the Year Award.
  • Cityscape Award: Category: leisure & hospitality project award – built.
  • Best Commercial Developer in Africa by the International Property Awards 2020.
  • Masterplan Project Award for Azha Ain Sokhna – Cityscape

In addition to these awards, my position on the construction and building committee of the Egyptian Businessmen Association (EBMA) reflects recognition within the business community.