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Mansur Ali

Mansur Ali: Transforming Patient Care

By offering a clear vision and inspiring creativity and adaptation, visionary leaders are essential in the current, moving healthcare environment. They are bringing teams together through effective communication, overcoming obstacles with strategic planning, and advancing digital transformation while taking care of workforce concerns. To provide excellent patient care and prosper in the face of uncertainty, organizations need to be led and inspired by them.

Mansur Ali, a Board Member of Reem Hospital, is an example of this kind of leadership in this situation. Situated on Reem Island in Abu Dhabi, Reem Hospital is dedicated to delivering modern, cost-effective healthcare by utilizing an integrated strategy that prioritizes patient satisfaction and outcomes.

Under his direction, the hospital is putting into practice top-notch clinical care routes and becoming one of the UAE’s most reputable and leading healthcare providers. Through Ali’s contributions, the hospital’s goal is to be better aligned with the changing demands of the healthcare industry, confirming that it will continue to be resilient and adaptable in a hurriedly changing environment.

Below are the interview highlights:

Can you please introduce yourself and your motivation to embark on this sector?

I have spent most of my career in the healthcare sector, the last 15 years as an entrepreneur. My partner, Zaid Al Siksek, and I created BlueApple Partners to address underserved clinical services in the UAE and KSA. I am motivated by a desire to develop a sustainable healthcare platform that enhances the value of healthcare in the region.

Could you please give a brief introduction to your company and its inception story?

Reem Hospital is a purposeful acute and post-acute care facility. It is a center of excellence in Rehabilitation, Orthopedic, Neurosurgery, Gastroenterology and Mental Health services.

It is designed to be the cornerstone of a national and regional integrated healthcare platform. Reem Hospital was a greenfield project developed by BlueApple Partners based on the clinical vision of Zaid Al Siksek.

We will shortly be launching our Phase 2 services to address pediatric and women’s health services.

Can you describe your journey to becoming a board director and what motivated you to pursue this role?

To achieve our vision, we had to raise equity and debt financing from institutional providers of capital. As co-founders, we developed the business plan and strategy for the company.

To be able to shape the vision going forward, I joined the board of directors of the parent and operating companies.

What do you believe are the key responsibilities of a board director in today’s corporate environment?

In today’s corporate environment, a board director’s key responsibilities include providing strategic oversight and ensuring alignment with the organization’s mission. Directors must uphold high standards of governance and compliance, oversee financial performance, and manage risks effectively.

They are also responsible for supporting and evaluating executive leadership and planning for succession to ensure leadership continuity. Engaging with stakeholders to build trust and transparency is crucial, as is monitoring organizational performance to ensure goals are met and adjustments are made as needed.

These responsibilities ensure the organization operates effectively and sustainably while achieving its strategic objectives.

How do you approach decision-making when faced with conflicting opinions among board members?

Conflicting opinions amongst board members is normal and healthy in helping us achieve our objectives. We are fortunate to have board members with tremendous experience, intellect, and the ability to analyze and interpret data.

We debate most material issues until we believe we have covered them from all relevant perspectives. We then come to a consensus and work towards their execution.

Can you share an example of a challenging situation you encountered as a board director and how you resolved it?

Examples are numerous and frequent; we navigated a pandemic in the midst of rolling out a greenfield project with construction and pre-operational risk. We have always resolved issues with a healthy debate, genuine respect for the opinions of our fellow board members, and assessing the data with an open mind.

What qualities do you think are essential for effective leadership on a board?

Effective board leadership requires several essential qualities. Strategic vision is crucial for setting long-term goals and aligning decisions with the organization’s mission. Integrity ensures ethical behavior and transparency in all actions.

Strong communication skills facilitate clear, open dialogue and ensure that all perspectives are considered. The ability to make informed, balanced decisions based on data and diverse viewpoints is key.

Collaboration helps in building consensus and fostering teamwork among board members. Lastly, adaptability is important for responding effectively to changing organizational needs and external conditions. These qualities together enable a board leader to guide and support the organization effectively.

How do you ensure that the board remains aligned with the organization’s mission and values?

To ensure the board remains aligned with the organization’s mission and values, we prioritize regular communication and strategic oversight. We facilitate periodic reviews of the mission and values to reinforce their importance and ensure they guide decision-making.

Engaging board members in discussions about strategic goals and organizational priorities helps maintain alignment. Regular evaluations of board performance and alignment with the organization’s values help identify and address any deviations.

By integrating these practices, we ensure that the board’s actions consistently support the organization’s core mission and values.

In your experience, how important is diversity on the board, and what steps do you take to promote it?

Diversity on the board is crucial for bringing a range of perspectives, enhancing decision-making, and reflecting the diverse needs of stakeholders. In my experience, diverse boards are better equipped to address complex challenges and drive innovation.

To promote diversity, we actively seek to include individuals from various backgrounds, including different genders, ethnicities, and professional experiences.

How do you stay informed about industry trends and changes that could impact your organization?

To stay informed about industry trends and changes that could impact our organization, we employ a multi-faceted approach. We regularly review industry publications, reports, and newsletters to keep up with the latest developments. Engaging with professional networks, attending conferences, and participating in webinars provides us with valuable insights.

We maintain strong relationships with key stakeholders, including industry experts, insurance providers, and regulatory bodies, to gain firsthand information. Additionally, we leverage data analytics and market research to identify and analyze relevant trends.

This comprehensive approach ensures that we are well-informed and able to make strategic decisions aligned with current and future industry conditions.

What strategies do you employ to nurture open communication and collaboration among board members?

To nurture open communication and collaboration among board members, we employ several strategies. We hold regular, structured meetings to keep everyone informed and involved in discussions. Open forums and roundtable discussions encourage members to share ideas and concerns freely.

We maintain clear communication channels, like email updates and collaborative platforms, to facilitate information sharing and real-time feedback. Actively encouraging participation ensures diverse perspectives are valued. We address conflicts promptly and constructively to foster a collaborative environment.

Additionally, team-building activities help strengthen relationships and build trust. These practices collectively promote effective communication and collaboration within the board.

How do you measure the success of the board’s performance and its impact on the organization?

We measure the success of the board’s performance and its impact on the organization through several key indicators. We assess the board’s effectiveness by reviewing its ability to meet strategic goals and address key challenges.

Evaluating governance practices, including adherence to ethical standards and regulatory compliance, is crucial. We also track the board’s impact on organizational performance through financial health, operational efficiency, and the achievement of strategic objectives.

Additionally, feedback from stakeholders and board members helps gauge satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. Regular performance reviews and alignment with the organization’s mission ensure the board contributes effectively to overall success.

What advice would you give to someone aspiring to become a board director in the future?

To become a successful board director, focus on building expertise in key areas like finance, governance, and industry-specific knowledge. Develop strong leadership and decision-making skills to guide board discussions effectively. Network strategically within your industry to gain visibility and opportunities, and seek mentorship from current board members.

Understand corporate governance principles and legal responsibilities to perform your duties effectively. Stay informed about industry trends and changes to provide valuable insights. Additionally, embrace and promote diversity, as varied perspectives enhance board effectiveness. By concentrating on these areas, you can position yourself as a strong and capable candidate for a board director role.