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Madison C. Feehan

Madison C. Feehan: Pioneering the Cosmos

A Journey from Entrepreneurship to Aerospace Innovation!

Every significant scientific discovery is motivated by a strong sense of purpose. The intense urge to question what we already know and come up with new and creative ideas is what propels science ahead. When people are truly passionate about discovering the truth, they come up with new ideas, approaches, and technologies. This excitement alters how we see and understand science, resulting in significant advances.

In a world where the intersection of science and entrepreneurship fuels innovation, Madison C. Feehan stands as a beacon of inspiration. The Canadian entrepreneur and scholar, currently pursuing her Commerce degree, has seamlessly blended business acumen with scientific knowledge, emerging as a force to be reckoned with in the aerospace sector.

Feehan’s transformative journey began at Harvard Business School, where she completed a program focused on Entrepreneurship and Innovation in 2022. This unique blend of education paved the way for her leadership role as the CEO/COO of Space Copy, a trailblazer in the space technology and additive manufacturing industries.

Motivated by a deep fascination with the vast world of aerospace, Feehan envisions her role as more than just a business venture. She sees it as an opportunity to reshape the landscape of space technology and disrupt the additive manufacturing industry. Her goal is to provide new perspectives and applications that transcend the conventional boundaries of space science.

Prior to her current role, Feehan spent four years as a contract employee for NASA’s National Research and Education Support Services (NRESS) branch, contributing to advanced lunar instrument development. Her diverse experience across various NASA divisions, including planetary science, heliophysics, biomedical engineering, and astrophysics, has equipped her with a profound understanding of the critical aspects of space exploration and STEM.

Madison Feehan’s commitment extends beyond her corporate responsibilities. As a leader in space science, business, and STEM education, she strives to make a meaningful impact. Her vision for the future involves not only advancing space technology but also fostering a broader appreciation for science in society.

Join us as we delve into the mind of a visionary leader who is shaping the future at the intersection of science and entrepreneurship.

Sustainable Infrastructure Development

Space Copy, a burgeoning start-up headquartered in the United States and Canada, is at the forefront of revolutionizing lunar manufacturing. Established in 2022 through the Techstars pre-accelerator program, the company has seamlessly integrated lunar soil sampling, spectral data analysis, artificial intelligence, and 3D printing into a compact, multi-purpose device. This innovation holds the key to advancing reliable infrastructure development for extreme environments both on Earth and in space.

In simple terms, Space Copy specializes in crafting 3D printers capable of utilizing local materials found on the Moon or in remote Earth locations. This groundbreaking approach significantly streamlines the logistics supply chain for manufacturing. By conducting material diagnosis, pre-processing, and the 3D printing process simultaneously in one compact system, the company has positioned itself as a pivotal link in the manufacturing ecosystem.

Embarking on a journey marked by continuous development, Space Copy has engaged in various programs and incubators with renowned entities like MiT and Singapore Management University (SMU). Currently in the research and development phase, the company collaborates with research laboratory institutes globally, with ongoing projects and partnerships spanning three continents.

The technology pioneered by Space Copy not only utilizes historical hardware but also reduces the frequency of high-cost and high-risk resupply payload missions in space. By promoting sustainability through the use of local materials, such as lunar soil, as feedstock, the company aims to disrupt the aerospace and defense manufacturing sectors. Space Copy aspires to become an industry leader in a domain projected to have a total addressable market of $7.5 billion USD per year by 2030.

At the core of Space Copy’s vision is a commitment to providing innovative and efficient solutions to the aerospace industry’s challenges. The company focuses on addressing the key concerns faced by space agencies in lunar colonization, striving to enable local resources to serve as building blocks for essential components like interlocking launchpad elements, repair parts, tools, and habitat construction bricks.

NASA Contract Review

Madison reflects on her tenure as a contract employee at NASA NSPIRES, delving into the intricacies of her role in the Planetary Science, Heliophysics, and Astrophysics Divisions. Before venturing into the realm of space entrepreneurship, she embarked on a career journey within the NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES).

Tasked with evaluating research grants worldwide, she played a pivotal role in selecting and supporting development opportunities. Her four-year expedition unfolded across diverse domains, spanning planetary science, heliophysics, astrophysics, and even biomedical engineering applications, shaping a unique and enriching professional narrative.

Connecting the Dots

Madison’s transition from her role as a data analyst for the European Space Agency’s (ESA) EGO-VIRGOxCERN Program to her current position at Space Copy is marked by a trajectory of dedication and skill development. Over recent years, she has committed her time to volunteering for data analysis and contract reviews in open-science initiatives, collaborating with esteemed organizations such as ESA, the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Institute of Health (NIH), and various government channels.

The EGO-VIRGOxCERN project, a collaborative effort between the European Gravitational Observatory (EGO) and the VIRGO gravitational-wave detector, presented Madison with an opportunity to delve into the complexities of gravitational waves. Her involvement aimed at uniting scientists from diverse backgrounds to analyze data from EGO and VIRGO, unraveling meaningful interpretations that contribute to our understanding of the universe.

In 2022, Madison continued her cosmic journey, collaborating with the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) on an open science research project. This project demanded the interpretation of thermal imagery, gravitational waves, and emissive spectra captured by the machinery at EGO and VIRGO. Madison’s invaluable contribution to this initiative equipped her with advanced data analysis skills, seamlessly integrated into Space Copy’s spectral technology integration system. This system, tailored for smaller-scale diagnostics, reflects her ability to apply her expertise to launching her own business. The volunteer work not only brought personal fulfillment but also played a pivotal role in enhancing Madison’s technical skills, laying the foundation for her entrepreneurial journey.

Business Technology Management

Motivated by a familial entrepreneurial spirit and a curiosity about commerce’s role in society, Madison decided to delve deeper into the dynamics of business through a major in Business Technology Management (BTM). After completing a specialized program in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Harvard Business School, her academic journey evolved from a broad business focus to the intricacies of BTM. This shift allowed her to apply knowledge directly to startup projects, translating academic learning into professional growth opportunities.

Recognizing the importance of understanding negotiation and disruptive innovation in the aerospace sector, her pursuit of BTM aligns seamlessly with her entrepreneurial endeavors in space technology. With a solid foundation in BTM’s core concepts, she looks ahead to 2024, when she plans to pivot her major’s focus to international business—a strategic move harmonizing academic pursuits with her professional trajectory.

Harvard Business School Experience

When asked to reflect on insights gleaned from Madison’s Comprehensive Certificate of Specialization in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, acquired from Harvard Business School Online in 2022, the journey unfolds as a two-year hybrid program of profound learning.

Under the tutelage of a globally renowned business administration luminary, the curriculum centered on the strategic application of frameworks to assess business opportunities and potential threats. Her graduation marked a milestone in executive-level strategy formulation and team management proficiency, honing skills crucial for navigating the dynamic entrepreneurial landscape.

A pivotal aspect of the program was delving into concepts such as maximizing value creation in agreements and refining interpersonal techniques tailored for effective negotiation across diverse styles and tactics. An invaluable framework was introduced, guiding her in assessing and propelling innovative ideas to gain traction in the marketplace, secure capital for ventures, and ultimately achieve product-market fit. Madison fondly recalls the “People, Opportunity, Context, Deal” mindset as a favorite takeaway—a compass guiding the evaluation of opportunities, management of startups, and financing of ventures. This transformative journey underscores her commitment to excellence in entrepreneurship, with the Harvard Business School Online experience serving as a catalyst for ongoing success.

Odyssey with Moon Trades

In Madison’s capacity as a vital team member of Moon Trades, the future of lunar robotics for mining and AI space education takes center stage. Moon Trades, a cutting-edge venture, unfolds as her latest endeavor. Her proud contribution is dedicated to the development of two groundbreaking technologies. The first, a STEM education platform enhanced by AI, aims to provide an immersive learning experience for students and professionals, particularly focusing on advancements in space sciences. Simultaneously, Moon Trades delves into the realm of autonomous mining and tunneling robots, leveraging AI technology to conduct lunar surface reconnaissance, geographical surveying, and real-time testing of lunar soils. This initiative forms a closed-loop ecosystem, applicable to both terrestrial and lunar environments, facilitating rapid manufacturing in challenging conditions.

Madison envisions the escalating prominence of artificial intelligence in the landscape of space robotics. As demands from private industry, government, and academia grow, AI is poised to gain popularity. Trends in computer vision and digital twins are becoming increasingly prevalent not only in mining and manufacturing but also in sectors like agriculture and hardware development.

These advancements allow for predictive analyses, crucial for determining the viability of technologies in harsh conditions—a litmus test for space exploration. She sees AI as a valuable diagnostic tool, potentially streamlining the development process by offering positive predictions on sustainability and durability, reducing the need for extensive and costly concept testing and component validation phases. The journey with Moon Trades becomes an odyssey, navigating the cosmic frontier of space robotics and artificial intelligence.

NASA TOPS, and Women in Aerospace Canada

Madison’s journey into becoming an active contributor and participant in NASA TOPS and a member of Women in Aerospace Canada stems from a fervent passion for volunteering and a commitment to advancing her knowledge in the STEM field. Engaging in volunteer work exposed her to the early-career entry points offered by space agencies in Canada and the United States. Networking efforts unveiled intriguing organizations, among them NASA’s Transform to Open Science (TOPS) mission and Women in Aerospace Canada (WIA-C).

Within NASA, TOPS operates as a consortium dedicated to integrating sustainable and responsible science practices for external entities, including post-secondary institutions and private aerospace businesses. The alignment of sustainability as a core practice with her values sparked an immediate resonance. She embraced the opportunity to learn from TOPS programs and dedicated time and expertise to establishing their usability framework through her involvement with Space Copy.

As a staunch supporter of women in STEM, Madison found Women in Aerospace Canada to be a beacon in a field where women make up only around 18%. Witnessing organizations like WIA-C provide platforms for female entrepreneurs and career professionals to showcase their work and foster discussions has been enlightening. She aspires to witness greater strides being taken to enhance equal representation within the aerospace sector, fueled by her dedication to contributing to the cause.

Collaboration and Insight

In her foray into aerospace pursuits, Madison has embraced the role of a published author, intricately weaving her expanding knowledge into the fabric of the space industry. Engaged in contributing research findings to various publications, she anticipates a series of upcoming releases, including “Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Earth Resource Management.” Co-authored with the University of Albany and Elsevier Publishing Ltd., this publication explores the application of AI techniques in fostering sustainable resource management across diverse sectors.

Originally commissioned as an open-science project by the White House, the publication stands as a testament to her commitment to sharing insights and collaborating with industry stakeholders. Proudly representing both NASA and Canadian space professionals, she views her involvement in open science as a catalyst for broadening her technical acumen and refining her communication methods. Beyond personal growth, this journey has forged connections with esteemed researchers, opening doors to collaborative opportunities in the realm of Space Copy.

Raving Review and Rewards

She states, Our market is focused on additive manufacturing with advanced materials in the aerospace and defense sectors, both terrestrially on Earth and interplanetary on the Moon and, one day, Mars. Here are some highlighted testimonials from clients, supporters, advisors, and partners:

  • “What you are doing at Space Copy is amazing; it is absolutely incredible to see young entrepreneurs creating something that is so big and powerful for the space industry.”
  • Garvey McIntosh, NASA Attache in the U.S. Embassy Tokyo at NASA—National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • “What Space Copy is trying to achieve is astounding. This is the type of innovation that investors in the space-tech market have been looking for.
  • Dennis Zhang, Global Investment Analyst at MiraclePlus Capital; Private Equity Investment Analyst at CICC; | Ivey HBA 2023
  • “I am very intrigued to hear about what Space Copy is doing, and I imagine that the rest of the space industry feels the same way.”
  • Mary C. Lang, PE PP, ENV SP

Where Space Copy Has Been Featured in Conferences and Trade Shows:

  • 17th Biennial International Conference on Space Operations, SpaceOps (March 2023)
  • Demo Day Event – CST x Techstars (March 2023)
  • Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium Spring Meeting – NASA x JHUAPL (April 2023)
  • Space Resources Week – Luxembourg (April 2023)
  • Space Tech Expo USA (May 2023)
  • Rapid TCT Conference – Chicago (May 2023)
  • Demo Day Event – MiT The Engine (May 2023)
  • 10th Annual Arab-China Conference (June 2023)
  • NASA SBIR LEO Economies Event x H4X Labs (June 2023)
  • Lunar Development Conference – The Moon Society (July 2023)
  • CST Space Workshop Program (August 2023)
  • Dorahacks Space Research and Exploration Phase-II Grant and Live Demo (August 2023)
  • Singapore Management University Big Ideas Generator Incubator Program (August 2023)
  • UNCOPUOS GEGSLA Working Group – Moon Village Association (September 2023)
  • Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium Fall Meeting – NASA x JHUAPL (October 2023)
  • Canadian Space Agency (CSA) x NASA Space Apps Challenge 2023 – YEG (October 2023)
  • 2nd ISSET Space Exploration Symposium 2023 x University of Alberta (November 2023)
  • Dubai Airshow (November 2023)
  • Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium Winter Meeting – NASA x JHUAPL (December 2023)
  • 50th Annual NASA SpaceCom x Space Mobility Expo (January 2024)
  • VilleAero Airspace & Logistics Conference (February 2024)

Where Space Copy Has Been Featured in the Media:

  • CEO Weekly
  • ExTerra: The Journal of Space Commerce
  • Techstars
  • Space Tech Expo: Visitor Voices
  • Business Insider *Coming Soon*
  • Today In Space Podcast *Coming Soon*

About Ms. Feehan:

Madison C. Feehan is an early-career professional and student based in Edmonton, AB, Canada. With a background in advanced lunar instrument development for NASA’s Planetary Science, Heliophysics, and Astrophysics divisions and a Harvard Business School Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, in conjunction with an education in commerce, Madison seamlessly merges scientific expertise with keen business acumen and stands at the intersection of space science, entrepreneurship, and STEM education.

As the Founder and CEO/COO of Space Copy, an international lunar manufacturing company, and Co-founder and CFO of Moon Trades, a lunar mining and robotics start-up, Madison leads groundbreaking initiatives, driving innovation in space technology and fostering accessible STEM education. Her commitment to shaping foreign policies for small businesses in STEM through volunteer work with consortiums including the United Nations and mentoring others in space sciences reflects her dedication to propelling the space industry forward through collaboration and visionary leadership.

Affiliations and Societies:

  • American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR)
  • American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
  • Executive Panelist For The United Nations Global Expert Group on Sustainable Lunar Activities (GEGSLA UNCOPUOS)
  • US Congress National Small Business Association
  • The Moon Society
  • Women in Aerospace Canada (WIA-Canada)
  • NASA Lunar Surface Innovation Consortium (LSIC) JHUAPL
  • Open Researcher and Contributor ID For Scientific Research and Publications (ORCID) –
  • External Peer Reviewer and Executive Panelist For The NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System (NSPIRES)

Contact Details:

Contact Name: Madison C. Feehan

Company Name: Space Copy (CEO/COO) and Moon Trades (CFO) Company Email:

Phone: +1.(780).975.5307 Website: and